Hey friends,
Have you ever had a pet that wasn't quite right? Our poor Gwinny is just getting over the sniffles and she's lost her voice completely. She opens her mouth to meow and a squeak comes out. Not what you'd expect from such a big, fluffy, lump of cat. Here she is, helping me edit.
On a bookish note, what do a Bonsai, a broken goldfish and a big-O birthday have in common? Well, they're all part of my latest release, The Cake List, which is available for pre-order and will be releasing in just over two weeks time. *Leans close and whispers clandestinely* just between you and me, I think this might be my favorite so far.
Here's the blurb:
Do Something Brave.
Do Something Selfless.
Do Something Kind.
Break a Never.
Stop an Always.
Figure out God.
“Some people write a bucket list, you know… things they want to do and tick off before they die. Honestly? Dying doesn’t seem half as scary as the big-O birthday that’s hunting me down. So I’ve made my own list. Things I want to do and tick off before I eat that birthday cake. So far, it’s not going too well.”
Fresh from a spectacular break-up and faced with a looming big-O birthday, Meg throws her cautious nature aside and signs up for dance classes. Little does she know that Ballroom will stretch more than just her muscles.
Between the charming dance instructor and his secrets, her grumpy neighbor and a fish that can’t swim straight, Meg’s list seems doomed from the start.
Heart-felt and funny, Meg’s list-crossing quest takes her so far out of her comfort zone, she may never find her way back.
Warning: Don't buy this book if you prefer your books to behave themselves and be deeply serious. Just don't do it.
That's all for today folks. But before I go, I'd love to see your fur-babies and hear their quirks. Email me, tag me on Instagram or Facebook with your cutest, weirdest, oddest, most lovable / delightful / adorable (you get the picture) fur-baby pic. Who knows, maybe one of them will star in my next book which is in the planning stages.
Much love from me to you!